Cloudflare 最新 workers-vless.js

2023/08/31 Cloudflare 共 30942 字,约 89 分钟

Cloudflare 最新 workers-vless.js



// <!--GAMFC-->version base on commit 43fad05dcdae3b723c53c226f8181fc5bd47223e, time is 2023-06-22 15:20:02 UTC<!--GAMFC-END-->.
// @ts-ignore
import { connect } from 'cloudflare:sockets';
// import { connectdb } from '@planetscale/database';

// How to generate your own UUID:
// [Windows] Press "Win + R", input cmd and run:  Powershell -NoExit -Command "[guid]::NewGuid()"
let userID = 'd342d11e-d424-4583-b36e-524ab1f0afa4';

const proxyIPs = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''];

let proxyIP = proxyIPs[Math.floor(Math.random() * proxyIPs.length)];

let dohURL = ''; // or

// v2board api environment variables (optional)
// now deprecated, please use instead
let nodeId = ''; // 1

let apiToken = ''; //abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456

let apiHost = ''; //

if (!isValidUUID(userID)) {
	throw new Error('uuid is invalid');

export default {
	 * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").Request} request
	 * @param  env
	 * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").ExecutionContext} ctx
	 * @returns {Promise<Response>}
	async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
		try {
			userID = env.UUID || userID;
			proxyIP = env.PROXYIP || proxyIP;
			dohURL = env.DNS_RESOLVER_URL || dohURL;
			nodeId = env.NODE_ID || nodeId;
			apiToken = env.API_TOKEN || apiToken;
			apiHost = env.API_HOST || apiHost;
			let userID_Path = userID;
			if (userID.includes(',')) {
				userID_Path = userID.split(',')[0];
			const upgradeHeader = request.headers.get('Upgrade');
			if (!upgradeHeader || upgradeHeader !== 'websocket') {
				const url = new URL(request.url);
				switch (url.pathname) {
					case '/cf':
						return new Response(JSON.stringify(, null, 4), {
							status: 200,
							headers: {
								"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",
					case '/connect': // for test connect to cf socket
						const [hostname, port] = ['', '80'];
						console.log(`Connecting to ${hostname}:${port}...`);

						try {
							const socket = await connect({
								hostname: hostname,
								port: parseInt(port, 10),

							const writer = socket.writable.getWriter();

							try {
								await writer.write(new TextEncoder().encode('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + hostname + '\r\n\r\n'));
							} catch (writeError) {
								await socket.close();
								return new Response(writeError.message, { status: 500 });


							const reader = socket.readable.getReader();
							let value;

							try {
								const result = await;
								value = result.value;
							} catch (readError) {
								await reader.releaseLock();
								await socket.close();
								return new Response(readError.message, { status: 500 });

							await reader.releaseLock();
							await socket.close();

							return new Response(new TextDecoder().decode(value), { status: 200 });
						} catch (connectError) {
							return new Response(connectError.message, { status: 500 });
					case `/${userID_Path}`: {
						const vlessConfig = getVLESSConfig(userID, request.headers.get('Host'));
						return new Response(`${vlessConfig}`, {
							status: 200,
							headers: {
								"Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
					case `/sub/${userID_Path}`: {
						const url = new URL(request.url);
						const searchParams = url.searchParams;
						let vlessConfig = createVLESSSub(userID, request.headers.get('Host'));

						// If 'format' query param equals to 'clash', convert config to base64
						if (searchParams.get('format') === 'clash') {
							vlessConfig = btoa(vlessConfig);

						// Construct and return response object
						return new Response(vlessConfig, {
							status: 200,
							headers: {
								"Content-Type": "text/plain;charset=utf-8",
						// return new Response('Not found', { status: 404 });
						// For any other path, reverse proxy to '' and return the original response, caching it in the process
						const hostnames = [''];
						url.hostname = hostnames[Math.floor(Math.random() * hostnames.length)];
						url.protocol = 'https:';
						const newHeaders = new Headers(request.headers);
						newHeaders.set('cf-connecting-ip', newHeaders.get('x-forwarded-for') || newHeaders.get('cf-connecting-ip'));
						newHeaders.set('x-forwarded-for', newHeaders.get('cf-connecting-ip'));
						newHeaders.set('x-real-ip', newHeaders.get('cf-connecting-ip'));
						newHeaders.set('referer', '');
						request = new Request(url, {
							method: request.method,
							headers: newHeaders,
							body: request.body,
							redirect: request.redirect,
						const cache = caches.default;
						let response = await cache.match(request);
						if (!response) {
							// if not in cache, get response from origin
							// send client ip to origin server to get right ip
							try {
								response = await fetch(request, { redirect: "manual" });
							} catch (err) {
								url.protocol = 'http:';
								url.hostname = hostnames[Math.floor(Math.random() * hostnames.length)];
								request = new Request(url, {
									method: request.method,
									headers: newHeaders,
									body: request.body,
									redirect: request.redirect,
								response = await fetch(request, { redirect: "manual" });
							const cloneResponse = response.clone();
							ctx.waitUntil(cache.put(request, cloneResponse));
						return response;
			} else {
				return await vlessOverWSHandler(request);
		} catch (err) {
			/** @type {Error} */ let e = err;
			return new Response(e.toString());

 * Creates a PlanetScale connection object and returns it.
 * @param  env The environment variables containing the database connection information.
 * @returns {Promise<object>} A Promise that resolves to the PlanetScale connection object.
function getPlanetScaleConnection(env) {
	const config = {
		host: env.DATABASE_HOST,
		username: env.DATABASE_USERNAME,
		password: env.DATABASE_PASSWORD,
		fetch: (url, init) => {
			delete (init)["cache"];
			return fetch(url, init);
	return connectdb(config)

 * Handles VLESS over WebSocket requests by creating a WebSocket pair, accepting the WebSocket connection, and processing the VLESS header.
 * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").Request} request The incoming request object.
 * @returns {Promise<Response>} A Promise that resolves to a WebSocket response object.
async function vlessOverWSHandler(request) {
	const webSocketPair = new WebSocketPair();
	const [client, webSocket] = Object.values(webSocketPair);

	let address = '';
	let portWithRandomLog = '';
	const log = (/** @type {string} */ info, /** @type {string | undefined} */ event) => {
		console.log(`[${address}:${portWithRandomLog}] ${info}`, event || '');
	const earlyDataHeader = request.headers.get('sec-websocket-protocol') || '';

	const readableWebSocketStream = makeReadableWebSocketStream(webSocket, earlyDataHeader, log);

	/** @type */
	let remoteSocketWapper = {
		value: null,
	let udpStreamWrite = null;
	let isDns = false;

	// ws --> remote
	readableWebSocketStream.pipeTo(new WritableStream({
		async write(chunk, controller) {
			if (isDns && udpStreamWrite) {
				return udpStreamWrite(chunk);
			if (remoteSocketWapper.value) {
				const writer = remoteSocketWapper.value.writable.getWriter()
				await writer.write(chunk);

			const {
				portRemote = 443,
				addressRemote = '',
				vlessVersion = new Uint8Array([0, 0]),
			} = processVlessHeader(chunk, userID);
			address = addressRemote;
			portWithRandomLog = `${portRemote} ${isUDP ? 'udp' : 'tcp'} `;
			if (hasError) {
				// controller.error(message);
				throw new Error(message); // cf seems has bug, controller.error will not end stream
				// webSocket.close(1000, message);

			// If UDP and not DNS port, close it
			if (isUDP && portRemote !== 53) {
				throw new Error('UDP proxy only enabled for DNS which is port 53');
				// cf seems has bug, controller.error will not end stream

			if (isUDP && portRemote === 53) {
				isDns = true;

			// ["version", "附加信息长度 N"]
			const vlessResponseHeader = new Uint8Array([vlessVersion[0], 0]);
			const rawClientData = chunk.slice(rawDataIndex);

			// TODO: support udp here when cf runtime has udp support
			if (isDns) {
				const { write } = await handleUDPOutBound(webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, log);
				udpStreamWrite = write;
			handleTCPOutBound(remoteSocketWapper, addressRemote, portRemote, rawClientData, webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, log);
		close() {
			log(`readableWebSocketStream is close`);
		abort(reason) {
			log(`readableWebSocketStream is abort`, JSON.stringify(reason));
	})).catch((err) => {
		log('readableWebSocketStream pipeTo error', err);

	return new Response(null, {
		status: 101,
		webSocket: client,

let apiResponseCache = null;
let cacheTimeout = null;

 * Fetches the API response from the server and caches it for future use.
 * @returns {Promise<object|null>} A Promise that resolves to the API response object or null if there was an error.
async function fetchApiResponse() {
	const requestOptions = {
		method: 'GET',
		redirect: 'follow'

	try {
		const response = await fetch(`https://${apiHost}/api/v1/server/UniProxy/user?node_id=${nodeId}&node_type=v2ray&token=${apiToken}`, requestOptions);

		if (!response.ok) {
			console.error('Error: Network response was not ok');
			return null;
		const apiResponse = await response.json();
		apiResponseCache = apiResponse;

		// Refresh the cache every 5 minutes (300000 milliseconds)
		if (cacheTimeout) {
		cacheTimeout = setTimeout(() => fetchApiResponse(), 300000);

		return apiResponse;
	} catch (error) {
		console.error('Error:', error);
		return null;

 * Returns the cached API response if it exists, otherwise fetches the API response from the server and caches it for future use.
 * @returns {Promise<object|null>} A Promise that resolves to the cached API response object or the fetched API response object, or null if there was an error.
async function getApiResponse() {
	if (!apiResponseCache) {
		return await fetchApiResponse();
	return apiResponseCache;

 * Checks if a given UUID is present in the API response.
 * @param {string} targetUuid The UUID to search for.
 * @returns {Promise<boolean>} A Promise that resolves to true if the UUID is present in the API response, false otherwise.
async function checkUuidInApiResponse(targetUuid) {
	// Check if any of the environment variables are empty
	if (!nodeId || !apiToken || !apiHost) {
		return false;

	try {
		const apiResponse = await getApiResponse();
		if (!apiResponse) {
			return false;
		const isUuidInResponse = apiResponse.users.some(user => user.uuid === targetUuid);
		return isUuidInResponse;
	} catch (error) {
		console.error('Error:', error);
		return false;

// Usage example:
//   const targetUuid = "65590e04-a94c-4c59-a1f2-571bce925aad";
//   checkUuidInApiResponse(targetUuid).then(result => console.log(result));

 * Handles outbound TCP connections.
 * @param {any} remoteSocket 
 * @param {string} addressRemote The remote address to connect to.
 * @param {number} portRemote The remote port to connect to.
 * @param {Uint8Array} rawClientData The raw client data to write.
 * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").WebSocket} webSocket The WebSocket to pass the remote socket to.
 * @param {Uint8Array} vlessResponseHeader The VLESS response header.
 * @param {function} log The logging function.
 * @returns {Promise<void>} The remote socket.
async function handleTCPOutBound(remoteSocket, addressRemote, portRemote, rawClientData, webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, log,) {

	 * Connects to a given address and port and writes data to the socket.
	 * @param {string} address The address to connect to.
	 * @param {number} port The port to connect to.
	 * @returns {Promise<import("@cloudflare/workers-types").Socket>} A Promise that resolves to the connected socket.
	async function connectAndWrite(address, port) {
		/** @type {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").Socket} */
		const tcpSocket = connect({
			hostname: address,
			port: port,
		remoteSocket.value = tcpSocket;
		log(`connected to ${address}:${port}`);
		const writer = tcpSocket.writable.getWriter();
		await writer.write(rawClientData); // first write, nomal is tls client hello
		return tcpSocket;

	 * Retries connecting to the remote address and port if the Cloudflare socket has no incoming data.
	 * @returns {Promise<void>} A Promise that resolves when the retry is complete.
	async function retry() {
		const tcpSocket = await connectAndWrite(proxyIP || addressRemote, portRemote)
		tcpSocket.closed.catch(error => {
			console.log('retry tcpSocket closed error', error);
		}).finally(() => {
		remoteSocketToWS(tcpSocket, webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, null, log);

	const tcpSocket = await connectAndWrite(addressRemote, portRemote);

	// when remoteSocket is ready, pass to websocket
	// remote--> ws
	remoteSocketToWS(tcpSocket, webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, retry, log);

 * Creates a readable stream from a WebSocket server, allowing for data to be read from the WebSocket.
 * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").WebSocket} webSocketServer The WebSocket server to create the readable stream from.
 * @param {string} earlyDataHeader The header containing early data for WebSocket 0-RTT.
 * @param {(info: string)=> void} log The logging function.
 * @returns {ReadableStream} A readable stream that can be used to read data from the WebSocket.
function makeReadableWebSocketStream(webSocketServer, earlyDataHeader, log) {
	let readableStreamCancel = false;
	const stream = new ReadableStream({
		start(controller) {
			webSocketServer.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
				const message =;

			webSocketServer.addEventListener('close', () => {

			webSocketServer.addEventListener('error', (err) => {
				log('webSocketServer has error');
			const { earlyData, error } = base64ToArrayBuffer(earlyDataHeader);
			if (error) {
			} else if (earlyData) {

		pull(controller) {
			// if ws can stop read if stream is full, we can implement backpressure

		cancel(reason) {
			log(`ReadableStream was canceled, due to ${reason}`)
			readableStreamCancel = true;

	return stream;


 * Processes the VLESS header buffer and returns an object with the relevant information.
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} vlessBuffer The VLESS header buffer to process.
 * @param {string} userID The user ID to validate against the UUID in the VLESS header.
 * @returns  An object with the relevant information extracted from the VLESS header buffer.
function processVlessHeader(vlessBuffer, userID) {
	if (vlessBuffer.byteLength < 24) {
		return {
			hasError: true,
			message: 'invalid data',
	const version = new Uint8Array(vlessBuffer.slice(0, 1));
	let isValidUser = false;
	let isUDP = false;
	const slicedBuffer = new Uint8Array(vlessBuffer.slice(1, 17));
	const slicedBufferString = stringify(slicedBuffer);
	// check if userID is valid uuid or uuids split by , and contains userID in it otherwise return error message to console
	const uuids = userID.includes(',') ? userID.split(",") : [userID];
	console.log(slicedBufferString, uuids);

	// isValidUser = uuids.some(userUuid => slicedBufferString === userUuid.trim());
	isValidUser = uuids.some(userUuid => slicedBufferString === userUuid.trim()) || uuids.length === 1 && slicedBufferString === uuids[0].trim();

	console.log(`userID: ${slicedBufferString}`);

	if (!isValidUser) {
		return {
			hasError: true,
			message: 'invalid user',

	const optLength = new Uint8Array(vlessBuffer.slice(17, 18))[0];
	//skip opt for now

	const command = new Uint8Array(
		vlessBuffer.slice(18 + optLength, 18 + optLength + 1)

	// 0x01 TCP
	// 0x02 UDP
	// 0x03 MUX
	if (command === 1) {
		isUDP = false;
	} else if (command === 2) {
		isUDP = true;
	} else {
		return {
			hasError: true,
			message: `command ${command} is not support, command 01-tcp,02-udp,03-mux`,
	const portIndex = 18 + optLength + 1;
	const portBuffer = vlessBuffer.slice(portIndex, portIndex + 2);
	// port is big-Endian in raw data etc 80 == 0x005d
	const portRemote = new DataView(portBuffer).getUint16(0);

	let addressIndex = portIndex + 2;
	const addressBuffer = new Uint8Array(
		vlessBuffer.slice(addressIndex, addressIndex + 1)

	// 1--> ipv4  addressLength =4
	// 2--> domain name addressLength=addressBuffer[1]
	// 3--> ipv6  addressLength =16
	const addressType = addressBuffer[0];
	let addressLength = 0;
	let addressValueIndex = addressIndex + 1;
	let addressValue = '';
	switch (addressType) {
		case 1:
			addressLength = 4;
			addressValue = new Uint8Array(
				vlessBuffer.slice(addressValueIndex, addressValueIndex + addressLength)
		case 2:
			addressLength = new Uint8Array(
				vlessBuffer.slice(addressValueIndex, addressValueIndex + 1)
			addressValueIndex += 1;
			addressValue = new TextDecoder().decode(
				vlessBuffer.slice(addressValueIndex, addressValueIndex + addressLength)
		case 3:
			addressLength = 16;
			const dataView = new DataView(
				vlessBuffer.slice(addressValueIndex, addressValueIndex + addressLength)
			// 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
			const ipv6 = [];
			for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
				ipv6.push(dataView.getUint16(i * 2).toString(16));
			addressValue = ipv6.join(':');
			// seems no need add [] for ipv6
			return {
				hasError: true,
				message: `invild  addressType is ${addressType}`,
	if (!addressValue) {
		return {
			hasError: true,
			message: `addressValue is empty, addressType is ${addressType}`,

	return {
		hasError: false,
		addressRemote: addressValue,
		rawDataIndex: addressValueIndex + addressLength,
		vlessVersion: version,

 * Converts a remote socket to a WebSocket connection.
 * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").Socket} remoteSocket The remote socket to convert.
 * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").WebSocket} webSocket The WebSocket to connect to.
 * @param {ArrayBuffer | null} vlessResponseHeader The VLESS response header.
 * @param {(() => Promise<void>) | null} retry The function to retry the connection if it fails.
 * @param {(info: string) => void} log The logging function.
 * @returns {Promise<void>} A Promise that resolves when the conversion is complete.
async function remoteSocketToWS(remoteSocket, webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, retry, log) {
	// remote--> ws
	let remoteChunkCount = 0;
	let chunks = [];
	/** @type {ArrayBuffer | null} */
	let vlessHeader = vlessResponseHeader;
	let hasIncomingData = false; // check if remoteSocket has incoming data
	await remoteSocket.readable
			new WritableStream({
				start() {
				 * @param {Uint8Array} chunk 
				 * @param {*} controller 
				async write(chunk, controller) {
					hasIncomingData = true;
					if (webSocket.readyState !== WS_READY_STATE_OPEN) {
							'webSocket.readyState is not open, maybe close'
					if (vlessHeader) {
						webSocket.send(await new Blob([vlessHeader, chunk]).arrayBuffer());
						vlessHeader = null;
					} else {
						console.log(`remoteSocketToWS send chunk ${chunk.byteLength}`);
						// seems no need rate limit this, CF seems fix this??..
						// if (remoteChunkCount > 20000) {
						// 	// cf one package is 4096 byte(4kb),  4096 * 20000 = 80M
						// 	await delay(1);
						// }
				close() {
					log(`remoteConnection!.readable is close with hasIncomingData is ${hasIncomingData}`);
					// safeCloseWebSocket(webSocket); // no need server close websocket frist for some case will casue HTTP ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH issue, client will send close event anyway.
				abort(reason) {
					console.error(`remoteConnection!.readable abort`, reason);
		.catch((error) => {
				`remoteSocketToWS has exception `,
				error.stack || error

	// seems is cf connect socket have error,
	// 1. Socket.closed will have error
	// 2. Socket.readable will be close without any data coming
	if (hasIncomingData === false && retry) {

 * Decodes a base64 string into an ArrayBuffer.
 * @param {string} base64Str The base64 string to decode.
 * @returns  An object containing the decoded ArrayBuffer or null if there was an error, and any error that occurred during decoding or null if there was no error.
function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64Str) {
	if (!base64Str) {
		return { earlyData: null, error: null };
	try {
		// go use modified Base64 for URL rfc4648 which js atob not support
		base64Str = base64Str.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
		const decode = atob(base64Str);
		const arryBuffer = Uint8Array.from(decode, (c) => c.charCodeAt(0));
		return { earlyData: arryBuffer.buffer, error: null };
	} catch (error) {
		return { earlyData: null, error };

 * Checks if a given string is a valid UUID.
 * Note: This is not a real UUID validation.
 * @param {string} uuid The string to validate as a UUID.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the string is a valid UUID, false otherwise.
function isValidUUID(uuid) {
	const uuidRegex = /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[4][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i;
	return uuidRegex.test(uuid);

 * Closes a WebSocket connection safely without throwing exceptions.
 * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").WebSocket} socket The WebSocket connection to close.
function safeCloseWebSocket(socket) {
	try {
		if (socket.readyState === WS_READY_STATE_OPEN || socket.readyState === WS_READY_STATE_CLOSING) {
	} catch (error) {
		console.error('safeCloseWebSocket error', error);

const byteToHex = [];

for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
	byteToHex.push((i + 256).toString(16).slice(1));

function unsafeStringify(arr, offset = 0) {
	return (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase();

function stringify(arr, offset = 0) {
	const uuid = unsafeStringify(arr, offset);
	if (!isValidUUID(uuid)) {
		throw TypeError("Stringified UUID is invalid");
	return uuid;

 * Handles outbound UDP traffic by transforming the data into DNS queries and sending them over a WebSocket connection.
 * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").WebSocket} webSocket The WebSocket connection to send the DNS queries over.
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} vlessResponseHeader The VLESS response header.
 * @param {(string) => void} log The logging function.
 * @returns  An object with a write method that accepts a Uint8Array chunk to write to the transform stream.
async function handleUDPOutBound(webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, log) {

	let isVlessHeaderSent = false;
	const transformStream = new TransformStream({
		start(controller) {

		transform(chunk, controller) {
			// udp message 2 byte is the the length of udp data
			// TODO: this should have bug, beacsue maybe udp chunk can be in two websocket message
			for (let index = 0; index < chunk.byteLength;) {
				const lengthBuffer = chunk.slice(index, index + 2);
				const udpPakcetLength = new DataView(lengthBuffer).getUint16(0);
				const udpData = new Uint8Array(
					chunk.slice(index + 2, index + 2 + udpPakcetLength)
				index = index + 2 + udpPakcetLength;
		flush(controller) {

	// only handle dns udp for now
	transformStream.readable.pipeTo(new WritableStream({
		async write(chunk) {
			const resp = await fetch(dohURL, // dns server url
					method: 'POST',
					headers: {
						'content-type': 'application/dns-message',
					body: chunk,
			const dnsQueryResult = await resp.arrayBuffer();
			const udpSize = dnsQueryResult.byteLength;
			// console.log([ Uint8Array(dnsQueryResult)].map((x) => x.toString(16)));
			const udpSizeBuffer = new Uint8Array([(udpSize >> 8) & 0xff, udpSize & 0xff]);
			if (webSocket.readyState === WS_READY_STATE_OPEN) {
				log(`doh success and dns message length is ${udpSize}`);
				if (isVlessHeaderSent) {
					webSocket.send(await new Blob([udpSizeBuffer, dnsQueryResult]).arrayBuffer());
				} else {
					webSocket.send(await new Blob([vlessResponseHeader, udpSizeBuffer, dnsQueryResult]).arrayBuffer());
					isVlessHeaderSent = true;
	})).catch((error) => {
		log('dns udp has error' + error)

	const writer = transformStream.writable.getWriter();

	return {
		 * @param {Uint8Array} chunk 
		write(chunk) {

 * @param {string} userID - single or comma separated userIDs
 * @param {string | null} hostName
 * @returns {string}
function getVLESSConfig(userIDs, hostName) {
	const commonUrlPart = `:443?encryption=none&security=tls&sni=${hostName}&fp=randomized&type=ws&host=${hostName}&path=%2F%3Fed%3D2048#${hostName}`;
	const separator = "---------------------------------------------------------------";
	const hashSeparator = "################################################################";

	// Split the userIDs into an array
	let userIDArray = userIDs.split(',');

	// Prepare output array
	let output = [];
	let header = [];
	const clash_link = `${hostName}/sub/${userIDArray[0]}?format=clash&insert=false&emoji=true&list=false&tfo=false&scv=true&fdn=false&sort=false&new_name=true`;
	header.push(`\n<p align="center"><img src="" alt="图片描述" style="margin-bottom: -50px;">`);
	header.push(`\n<b style=" font-size: 15px;" >Welcome! This function generates configuration for VLESS protocol. If you found this useful, please check our GitHub project for more:</b>\n`);
	header.push(`<b style=" font-size: 15px;" >欢迎!这是生成 VLESS 协议的配置。如果您发现这个项目很好用,请查看我们的 GitHub 项目给我一个star:</b>\n`);
	header.push(`\n<a href="" target="_blank">EDtunnel -</a>\n`);
	header.push(`\n<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="170" height="30" title="GitHub"></iframe>\n\n`.replace(/USERNAME/g, "3Kmfi6HP").replace(/REPOSITORY/g, "EDtunnel"));
	header.push(`<a href="//${hostName}/sub/${userIDArray[0]}" target="_blank">VLESS 节点订阅连接</a>\n<a href="clash://install-config?url=${encodeURIComponent(clash_link)}" target="_blank">Clash 节点订阅连接</a>\n<a href="${clash_link}" target="_blank">Clash 节点订阅连接2</a></p>\n`);

	// Generate output string for each userID
	userIDArray.forEach((userID) => {
		const vlessMain = `vless://${userID}@${hostName}${commonUrlPart}`;
		const vlessSec = `vless://${userID}@${proxyIP}${commonUrlPart}`;
		output.push(`UUID: ${userID}`);
		output.push(`${hashSeparator}\nv2ray default ip\n${separator}\n${vlessMain}\n${separator}`);
		output.push(`${hashSeparator}\nv2ray with best ip\n${separator}\n${vlessSec}\n${separator}`);
	output.push(`${hashSeparator}\n# Clash Proxy Provider 配置格式(configuration format)\nproxy-groups:\n  - name: UseProvider\n	type: select\n	use:\n	  - provider1\n	proxies:\n	  - Proxy\n	  - DIRECT\nproxy-providers:\n  provider1:\n	type: http\n	url: https://${hostName}/sub/${userIDArray[0]}?format=clash\n	interval: 3600\n	path: ./provider1.yaml\n	health-check:\n	  enable: true\n	  interval: 600\n	  # lazy: true\n	  url:\n\n${hashSeparator}`);

	// HTML Head with CSS
	const htmlHead = `
        <title>EDtunnel: VLESS configuration</title>
        <meta name="description" content="This is a tool for generating VLESS protocol configurations. Give us a star on GitHub if you found it useful!">
		<meta name="keywords" content="EDtunnel, cloudflare pages, cloudflare worker, severless">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
		<meta property="og:site_name" content="EDtunnel: VLESS configuration" />
        <meta property="og:type" content="website" />
        <meta property="og:title" content="EDtunnel - VLESS configuration and subscribe output" />
        <meta property="og:description" content="Use cloudflare pages and worker severless to implement vless protocol" />
        <meta property="og:url" content="https://${hostName}/" />
        <meta property="og:image" content="${encodeURIComponent(`vless://${userIDs.split(',')[0]}@${hostName}${commonUrlPart}`)}" />
        <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
        <meta name="twitter:title" content="EDtunnel - VLESS configuration and subscribe output" />
        <meta name="twitter:description" content="Use cloudflare pages and worker severless to implement vless protocol" />
        <meta name="twitter:url" content="https://${hostName}/" />
        <meta name="twitter:image" content="" />
        <meta property="og:image:width" content="1500" />
        <meta property="og:image:height" content="1500" />

        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            background-color: #f0f0f0;
            color: #333;
            padding: 10px;

        a {
            color: #1a0dab;
            text-decoration: none;
		img {
			max-width: 100%;
			height: auto;
        pre {
            white-space: pre-wrap;
            word-wrap: break-word;
            background-color: #fff;
            border: 1px solid #ddd;
            padding: 15px;
            margin: 10px 0;
		/* Dark mode */
        @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
            body {
                background-color: #333;
                color: #f0f0f0;

            a {
                color: #9db4ff;

            pre {
                background-color: #282a36;
                border-color: #6272a4;

	// Join output with newlines, wrap inside <html> and <body>
	return `
    <pre style="
    background-color: transparent;
    border: none;

function createVLESSSub(userID_Path, hostName) {
	let portArray_http = [80, 8080, 8880, 2052, 2086, 2095, 2082];
	let portArray_https = [443, 8443, 2053, 2096, 2087, 2083];

	// Split the userIDs into an array
	let userIDArray = userID_Path.includes(',') ? userID_Path.split(',') : [userID_Path];

	// Prepare output array
	let output = [];

	// Generate output string for each userID
	userIDArray.forEach((userID) => {
		// Check if the hostName is a Cloudflare Pages domain, if not, generate HTTP configurations
		// reasons: not support http only https
		if (!hostName.includes('')) {
			// Iterate over all ports for http
			portArray_http.forEach((port) => {
				const commonUrlPart_http = `:${port}?encryption=none&security=none&fp=random&type=ws&host=${hostName}&path=%2F%3Fed%3D2048#${hostName}-HTTP-${port}`;
				const vlessMainHttp = `vless://${userID}@${hostName}${commonUrlPart_http}`;

				// For each proxy IP, generate a VLESS configuration and add to output
				proxyIPs.forEach((proxyIP) => {
					const vlessSecHttp = `vless://${userID}@${proxyIP}${commonUrlPart_http}-${proxyIP}-EDtunnel`;
		// Iterate over all ports for https
		portArray_https.forEach((port) => {
			const commonUrlPart_https = `:${port}?encryption=none&security=tls&sni=${hostName}&fp=random&type=ws&host=${hostName}&path=%2F%3Fed%3D2048#${hostName}-HTTPS-${port}`;
			const vlessMainHttps = `vless://${userID}@${hostName}${commonUrlPart_https}`;

			// For each proxy IP, generate a VLESS configuration and add to output
			proxyIPs.forEach((proxyIP) => {
				const vlessSecHttps = `vless://${userID}@${proxyIP}${commonUrlPart_https}-${proxyIP}-EDtunnel`;

	// Join output with newlines
	return output.join('\n');



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