
2014/10/26 English 共 2759 字,约 8 分钟


打电话(Telephone Calls)

(一) 会话

对话1(Dialogue 1)

Allen: Six eight six four two four three.

Black: Hello, Allen. Is that you?

A: Oh, hello Black. Yes. I’d been expecting a call from you. I thought you said you were going to ring last night.

B: Yes, I know, but I had so many things to do, what with the meeting and everything that I just never got round to it.

A: That’s all right. How are you, anyway?

B: Fine, thanks.

A: And Andrews?

B: Yes, I know. It’s terrible. I just never seem to have a moment to spare these days.

A: No.

B: Although I must admit that I did have a nice break on Sunday afternoon. Andrews and I drove out to Burford to see his aunt.

A: Where?

B: Burford. Well, you know, it’s in the Cotswolds.

A: Yes. I didn’t catch the name. This line is not very good, is it?

B: No. They seems to get worse each time they put the phone charges up. But I was telling you about the trip to Burford.

A: Oh, yes. It was a lovely afternoon, wasn’t it?

B: Mm. It was. I hadn’t enjoyed a drive so much for ages. We went along the M.4 to Reading and then to Newbury and from Newbury… to Burford.

A: That was a long way round.

B: Yes, I know. But we had plenty of time, you see. We didn’t have to get back until late, so we thought we’d take the chance and see a bit of countryside for a change.

A: You lucky thing. It’s ages since we drove anywhere for pleasure. It’s either work or shopping or running someone to the tube when it’s late, and so on.

B: That’s what happens to us most of the time, and that’s what made Sunday so nice. Now, listen, you’re supposed to be coming to tea on Thursday, aren’t you?

A: Yes. It’ll be along about three. That’s all right.

B: Yes, that’s lovely. See you then. Bye, Carol.

A: Bye-bye. Give my love to Andrews.

B: I will. Bye.

(二) 常用表达法

#### 1. 句子

(1) Can you contact me with London, please?


(2) Can you put me through to 23547?


(3) Central! I’ve been cut off.


(4) Connect me with Queen Hotel. Please.


(5) Could I have extension 564?


(6) A minute, please. I’ll connect you.


(7) I’m sorry the number’s engaged. Will you hold?


(8) Just a minute. I’ll get the number through.


(9) Number, please.


(10) The line is busy.


(11) The line’s through now.


(12) Where’re you calling from?


(13) Who do you want to speak to?


(14) Hello, Is Bright in?



dial phone拨盘式电话push button phone按键式电话
coin slot投币口telephone booth公用电话亭
operator接线员area code地区编号
telephone number电话号码extension分机
pay telephone(public telephone)(电话)付钱电话Information(Directory Assistance)电话问讯台
telephone directory电话簿long distance call长途电话
station to station call叫号电话person to person call叫人电话
collect call受话者付费电话overseas call国际长途电话
to be cut off被切断number电话号码
to connectswitch board交换台
to hang up挂(电话)to hold on不要放下(电话)
to dial拨号to call back回电话
to leave a message留口信mobile and marine call流动与海上电话






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