
2014/10/24 English 共 3332 字,约 10 分钟


去机场接人(Meeting People)

(一) 会话

对话1(Dialogue 1)

A: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Brown from America?

B: Yes, I’m William Brown.

A: My name is Chang Fang. I’m an interpreter from the Beijing Foreign Studies University.

B: How do you do? I’m very glad to meet you. (They shake hands)

A: How do you do? Welcome to China, Mr. Brown. We hope you will find your stay here satisfactory.

B: Thank you. I’m sure I will. It was very kind of you to come and meet me.

A: Not at all. We’re happy to have you here. Let me help you with your suitcase.

B: I can manage. Thank you all the same.

A: Shall we go to the waiting room? It’s just over there.

B: All right.

A: This way, please.

对话2(Dialogue 2)

A: Anything dutiable?

B: Yes. I bought a watch in Hong Kong, which costs U.S. $50 and a new suit, U.S. $50.

A: Anything else besides these?

B: No, except the two bottles of whisky and a carton of cigarettes.

A: You are allowed U.S. $100 duty-free, so you don’t have to pay any duty on your watch and suit.

B: Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes?

A: No. The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free.

B: Oh, thank you very much.

对话3(Dialogue 3)

A: Could you let me have your passport? Please fill in this form to make a record of any foreign currency you have.

B: Certainly. And then we go through Customs, I suppose?

B: Oh, No, there’s no Customs for invited guests.

B: That’s very nice, I must say. There I’ve finished filling out this form. What do we do next?

A: We’ll just see about your luggage. Would you mind coming over to identify your things?

B: These they are, near that pile over there. A black suitcase and a black leather bag. Two pieces only.

A: Fine. If you’ll give me your luggage check, I’ll get them for you.

B: Thank you, that’s great.

(二) 常用表达法

1. 句子

(1) I’m very glad to meet you.


(2) It was very kind of you to come and meet me.


(3) I’m an interpreter from the company.


(4) I hope you will find your stay here satisfactory.


(5) I hope you will enjoy your stay in China.


(6) Let me help you with your suitcase.


(7) Did you have a good trip?


(8) There’s no Customs for invited guests.


(9) Would you mind coming over to identify your things?



luggage行李luggage check行李牌
pieces of luggage行李件数trunk大箱子
handbag手提包(女性)trave(l)ling bag旅行袋
registered luggage托运行李label;tag行李标签
baggage check- in counter行李过磅处free allowance for luggage免费行李重量限额
excess luggage超重行李overweight超重
charge for overweight超重行李费customs海关
to attend to(to go through)one’s entry formalities办理入境手续to attend to(to go through)one’s exit formalities办理处境手续
customs house; customs海关customs formalities海关手续
customs clearance结关customs declaration报关
customs examination验关customs office海关工作人员
passport护照diplomatic passport外交护照
official passport官员护照service passport公务护照
to get one’s passport visa办理护照签证手续to take off at a place在某地起飞
incoming flight入境飞机班次outgoing flight处境飞机班次
incoming passenger入境旅客outgoing passenger处境旅客
stopover passenger过境旅客air route航线
to get into(board) a plane上飞机to get off a plane下飞机
to have a pleasant journey旅途愉快to fly from … to…从……飞往……
flight delayed due to bad weather天气不好,航班误点to be delayed by由于……而晚点
non-stop flight直飞stop –over中途停留
to lose(gain)height下降(爬升)to refuel加油
smooth flight平稳的飞行bumpy flight颠簸
smooth landing平稳着陆boarding check登机牌
first class头等舱economic class经济舱
to be airsick(to suffer from air-sickness)晕机It’s due at 2 sharp, but today it’ll be ten minutes late两点整到,但今天将晚点十分钟。






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