
2014/10/20 English 共 2729 字,约 8 分钟



(一) 会话

对话1(Dialogue 1)

A: You know that a welcome party for Mr. Cook is being held, don’t you?

B: Yes, I got an invitation. It’s this coming Saturday at 3 o’clock, isn’t it?

A: Yes. You’re going, aren’t you?

B: Yes, I said I would.

A: I did too. * * *

A: Mr. Smith will give a speech of welcome. And next, Mr. Cook, will you say a few words?

B: I really don’t know to thank you for this wonderful welcome party you are holding for me.

对话2(Dialogue 2)

A: I don’t know how to thank you for giving me such a fine farewell party. I shall never forget your kindness.

B: Mr. Smith is leaving Beijing Airport by BOAC at 10:00 Tuesday night.

C: Mr. Dyke, what impressed you most during your stay in Beijing.

A: Well… everyone was so kind and generous… when I’m enjoying myself like this with you people, I feel I never want to leave Beijing.

B: I hope you will come back to Beijing.

C: Everyone wants to see you off at Beijing Airport.

A: I wish you wouldn’t go to that trouble.

B: This is a little souvenir from us all.

A: My, how nice of you!

对话3(Dialogue 3)

A: Tomorrow is my birthday. I’d like you to come to dinner, York.

B: Thank you. I’d be delighted.

B: Yes, I will.

  *            *            *

A: It’s very kind of you to come. I’m so happy to see you.

B: Has Alice arrived yet?

A: Not yet, but I expect her soon. Come right in, York, please.

B: Thank you very much.

A: This way, please. Make yourself at home.

C: Good evening, Kate.

A: Good evening. I’ve been expecting you. York has just come.

C: Is that so? I’m so glad he’s here, too.

 *            *              *

A: Happy birthday, Kate.

B: Thank you.

A: Here’s a little birthday present for you.

B: It’s awfully sweet of you. I don’t know how to thank you. I wonder what it is.

A: It’s a secret. Guess what it is!

A: Let’s have a toast to celebrate Kate’s birthday. Happy birthday to you.

B: Thank you.

A: This is my birthday present for you.

B: Thank you. Tom.

A: Don’t mention it.

B: I’m very glad to be friends with you.

(二) 常用表达法

1. 句子

(1) Thank you for your welcome.


(2) Mr. A’s welcome party is scheduled for next Monday.


(3) We wish you good luck and happiness.


(4) I really enjoyed the congenial atmosphere.


(5) You’re a very good dancer.


(6) I’ll find a partner for you.


(7) May I ask you for one dance?


(8) This is a little birthday present for you.



party晚会welcome party欢迎会
farewell party告别会garden party游园会
cocktail party鸡尾酒会birthday party生日晚会
dance party舞台opening address开幕词
closing address闭幕词a large attendance出席者甚多
a small attendance出席者甚少gift礼物(正式present)
farewell speech送别词souvenir photograph合影留念
unforgettable impression难忘的印象to give a warm(or hearty) welcome表示衷心的欢迎
dance hall舞厅dance music舞曲
fox trot狐步waltz华尔兹
step舞步quick step快步
slow step漫步social dance交谊舞
birthday cake生日蛋糕birthday song生日歌
candle蜡烛to make a wish许愿






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