
2014/10/16 English 共 4402 字,约 13 分钟


看医生(Seeing the Doctor)


对话1(Dialogue 1)

A: Good morning.

B: Good morning, Doctor.

A: Well, what’s the trouble?

B: I feel hot and feverish, Doctor. I’ve got a terrible sore throat.

A: Yes.

B: It’s possible flu, but I thought I’d better see you.

A: Quite right. Now, let me have a look at you. If you could slip off your coat and blouse, I’d like to listen to your chest. Sit straight up. Cross your arms. That’s it. Now breathe in. A deep breath. That’s it. Cough. Now again. Sit up. Fine. That’s all, now, you slip on your blouse again.

B: My eyes have been sore and painful, Doctor.

A: Have they? Now I’ll just take your temperature. Just put it under your tongue. That’s it.

(After a while)

A: Now, let me have a look. It is a bit high. Now, I want to examine your throat. Open wide. Say“Ah”.

B: Aaaaahh, Aaaaaahh.

A: Yes, t does look a bit sore. But there’s nothing to be alarmed about. A slight infection. You’d better have a couple of days in bed.

B: What about the throat?

A: I’m giving you a course of anti-biotics. Take one capsule every four hours. Here’s the prescription.

B: Thank you, Doctor. Good-bye.



(1) I can’t feel like eating anything.


(2) I cough a great deal at night.


(3) I feel a pain in my left leg.


(4) I feel chilly.


(5) I feel dizzy and I’ve got no appetite.


(6) I feel hot and cold.


(7) I feel like vomiting.


(8) I have a headache.


(9) I keep feeling dizzy.


(10) I’m aching all over.


(11) I’m under the weather.


(12) It hurts terrible.



to feel sore all over全身酸痛to feel listless感到没有精神
to have a bad cough咳得厉害to have a bad taste in one’s mouth嘴发苦
to sneeze打喷嚏to feel dizzy(faint)头晕
to sprain one’s ankle扭了脚to faint( to lose consciousness; to pass out)晕倒
to gain(recover) consciousness; to come to苏醒过来be delirious( to be in a coma)昏迷不醒,昏迷乱语
to see(consult) a doctor看医生,看病to send for a doctor请医生
to register挂号consulting hours门诊时间
first visit (consultation)初诊subsequent visit(consultation)复诊
to make an appointment预约case病例
emergency case(treatment)急诊to have(to have got, to have caught) a cold感冒了,伤风了
to have a runny(struffed-up) nose流清鼻涕(鼻塞)to have lung(heart, kidney) trouble肺(心脏,肾)病
to have indigestion (lose bowels, diarrhoea)消化不良to have a pair in the chest(back, ear, side)胸口(背,耳,腰)痛
to have cons- tipation (irregular bowel movements) 便秘(大便不正常) to have inflame- mation of the left eye(in the left eye) 左眼发炎 
to have a swollen (in fected, septic) finger手指肿了(发炎了,化脓了)to have a nervous breakdown; to have nervous trouble神经官能症
to have cold fits一阵阵发冷to be shivering打寒颤
to have convulsions (cramps)抽筋to prescribe …; to write out a prescription开药方
to make medicine服药for oral adminis- tration内服(药)
for external use外服(药)the size of a dose剂量太小
to be hospitalized住院to under treatment for…治疗……病
to have (undergo) an operation接受手术,开刀to receive injection of penicillin for one’s…打青霉素治……
to dress a wound包扎伤口to receive acupunc- ture treatment针刺疗法
to sterilize; steriliza -tion消毒to anaesthetize麻醉
anaesthetic麻醉剂to be allergic to对……过敏
to be free from side effects没有副作用to give first-aid treatment急救
to look out for complications注意并发症nutrition营养
to be poorly nourished营养不良to go on a diet按规定的饮食进食
light diet清淡(易笑话)饮食salt-free diet无盐饮食
liquid diet流质(食物)semi-liquid diet半流质(食物)
soft diet软食to diagnose诊断
case history; medical record病例to ask for sick leave请病假
certificate for sick leave病假条to take one’s temperature给某人测体温
to make one’s blood pressure; to have one’s blood pressure taken量血压to take things easy不要过分紧张
to feel one’s pulse按脉to examine one’s chest听心肺
to have X-ray; to be X-ray胸部透视to be not feeling very well感到身体不大舒服
to have a blood(stool, urine) test验血(大便,小便)to be indisposed; to suffer from a slight indisposition身体不大舒服
to have a general check up全身体格检查splitting headache强烈的头痛
to be up and about痊愈to feel sick(to feel nausea)恶心
to vomit(to throw up)呕吐My temperature is normal我体温正常
to have(run) a fever (temperature)发烧to have a toothache (headache,sorethroat)牙(头,嗓子)痛
to bring down the fever (temperature)使退烧to have a tooth out (extracted)拔牙
too far gone指牙蛀得太厉害to have a tooth filled补牙
acupuncture and moxibustion针灸to recover without any after-effect痊愈不留后遗症
laboratory report化验单blood type血型
laxative泻药blood count血液中红,白血球比率
local anaesthesia局部麻醉intra-muscular injection肌肉注射
intravenous injection静脉注射sub-cutaneous (hypodermic) injection皮下注射
preventive medicine预防药tonic补药
to relieve itching止痒to relieve a cough止咳
massage按摩tables(pills, powder)片剂(丸剂,粉剂)
liquid solution水剂mixture合剂
brown mixture复方甘草合剂gargle漱口剂
eye drops眼药水nose drops滴鼻剂
mercurochrome红药水tincture of iodine碘酒
gentian violet紫药水alcohol酒精
potassium permanganate (solution)高锰酸钾aspirin阿司匹林






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