
2014/09/30 English 共 1427 字,约 5 分钟



1.(A Party in the Smiths’ home)

Smith: Good evening. Mr. Wang. Wang: Good evening. Mr. Smith. Smith: Have you met my wife, Mary? Wang: No, I haven’t had the pleasure. Smith: Mary, this is Mr. Wang, my new Chinese friend. Mary: How do you do, Mr. Wang? You’re welcome. Wang: How do you do? (They shake hands.) Smith: Have a glass of wine, and let me introduce you to some of my guest. Wang: Thank you.

2.(Wang takes a train to New York)

Wang: Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me when the next train leaves for New York? Passer-by: Yes, it leaves at 12:13. Wang: Thank you very much. Passer-by: Don’t mention it. Wang: One more thing, do you have change for a dollar? I want to make a phonecall. Passer-by: Let me see. Here you are. Wang: Thanks a lot. Passer-by: Not at all. Do you know where the nearest phone is? Wang: No. Passer-by: I’ll show you where. Wang: Oh, thanks very much for all your help. Pass-by: You’re welcome.

3.(Tom meets Kate in classroom.)

Tom: Hello, Kate! Fancy meeting you here! Working again. Are you? Kate: Yes, I’ve got to, if I want to pass all the exams. Tom: How’s wife, Kate? All right ? Kate: Yes, not too bad, thanks. I’m a bit ed up revising though. Are you? Tom: Pretty good, thanks. My exams are all over, now. Kate: Oh, how lucky! How’s Jane? Tom: Oh, she’s all right. Well, I’d better be going. Bye! Kate: Bye!






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